
No one expects the inquisition...

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Games Looking for Players / Re: Call of Cthulhu game
Last post by Early Bird - July 07, 2017, 12:36:16 PM
Thanks Espatier.  Not sure what time I will have free and going on holiday fora week next Thursday, but will try and liaise with you about this.
Games Looking for Players / Re: Call of Cthulhu game
Last post by Espatier - July 03, 2017, 12:11:16 AM
@Lady bird

Great selection about being the reporter!.
I think that you will do just fine and don't worry about making any mistakes because we all started playing RPGs and had to start somehow. So if you need any help or have any question I would be more than happy to assist you in creating a character as well. I'm retired and I don't sleep much and I usually talk/type to my UK friends on skype at weird hours.

Fast talk
Research and maybe a local language might assist your character as a reporter. Those are a few that come to mind.

Very Respectfully,
Games Looking for Players / Re: Call of Cthulhu game
Last post by Early Bird - July 02, 2017, 11:04:57 PM
Hi Cear, sorry to vanish again for a while, but I no longer get email notification that posts have been made.  A shame, that was so useful.  If you are still going ahead with this game, I am still in but have no idea what I might be.  The news reporter looks most likely for me.  You would, however, have to totally puppy walk me through character creation/rolling etc. as it has been too long and I can't remember now how to do any of it. :bangin:
Games Looking for Players / Re: The Age of Steam - Tales f...
Last post by Espatier - June 26, 2017, 10:12:27 AM
"Lord" (Baron) Alonso Scoot Gehe is ready outside the manor, ready to be received. He will be wondering why he was called before Senator Armand Wolfe!.
Games Looking for Players / Re: Call of Cthulhu game
Last post by Espatier - June 26, 2017, 04:28:32 AM

Any thoughts about what you guys want to be?
Games Looking for Players / Re: Call of Cthulhu game
Last post by Cearlan - June 25, 2017, 08:16:52 PM
Right! Here ewe go then.
6th edition rules

The scenario is set in the modern-day, starting in Alexandria, Egypt. and taking in various other places in the world. The Linguistics professor has been pressured by the dean of his University to take part in a TV series

The characters I am looking for are as follows;
A Linguistics professor (the brains of the outfit - important)
A highly ambitious TV reporter (financial support through network - BBC / National Geographic / CNN / ???)
An focused agent of the law / military (the group tank - important)

This game is not level based. You start out as ordinary Joe Public - well, within your occupation that is, and as you get exposed to baddies and sanity-blasting Mythos events / creatures, you  use your skills. Every skill you succeed at you get a 'check'.  at an appropriate juncture (probably between countries) I may allow you to increase your 'checked' skills.

Skills are percentile based, the better you are at something, the higher your chance to succeed. Simply roll equal to or under your skill 'score' to be successful. But I'll go into that more in depth later.

A word on Sanity before I go. Sanity, as the name implies is how much of a grip you have on what we would call the 'real world'. However, as you uncover deeper and darker truths, your Sanity slowly at first starts to take hits. If it gets too low, like Hit Points for example, then your investigator may get sectioned, or worse.
Games Looking for Players / Re: The Age of Steam - Tales f...
Last post by Locke Taelos - June 24, 2017, 05:07:04 PM
Thanks guys.  In the Modern RP section there is a Steampunk section for our roleplay.

I am starting to make a kind of compendium that you can go through in order to pick up some information about the game. It's not finished yet, but you might find some good stuff in there.  I suppose I can get this started on this unless anyone wants to convince anyone else to join in. :D Haha.  What do you guys think?  I can accommodate the first mission for just a couple people. 
Games Looking for Players / Re: The Age of Steam - Tales f...
Last post by Gryffydd65 - June 24, 2017, 04:30:46 PM
Great write up of my character.
Games Looking for Players / Re: The Age of Steam - Tales f...
Last post by Locke Taelos - June 23, 2017, 09:50:38 PM
Waiting on information as to where I can post the game.  In the meantime, my character that will be joining you two (or more if people still want to jump in there is still time...)

Name: Nathaniel Winters

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Citizenship: Deloth

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Occupation: Scholar/Anthropologist

Clothing: Victorian suit

Weapons: Pen knife

Skills: BoS in Anthropology with a focus on Ancient Elven civilizations.  Reading and writing. 

Flaws: Glorifies and obsesses over ancient elven artifacts.  Dry and anti-social. Inexperienced.

Stats (Order from importance to character.  1 being of little importance and 7 being of most importance)
Strength: 3 (He has done a great deal of heavy lifting as far as equipment is concerned.  Lots of treks and camping have helped as well.)
Perception:  7 (His quiet demeanor and training in studying ruins has aided his investigation in ancient civilizations)
Endurance: 4 (Constant studying, enduring intense locations during his apprenticeships and traveling have helped him to be quite the survivalist)
Charisma: 1 (It's not that he's ugly or couldn't charm someone. It's just that he doesn't try and doesn't care what people think.  He loves civilization much more when it's been dead for several hundred years and nearly forgotten.)
Intelligence: 6 (He is a scholar at heart. )
Agility: 2 (He's not really agile, but he doesn't fall on his face for comedy relief either.)
Luck: 5 (It takes a lot of luck to actually find useful remnants of civilizations long buried by time.  Or maybe it's skill...)

Background: (To be filled out I would assume)

Senator Armand Wolfe is Nathaniel Winters' uncle (on his mother's side of course).  Nathan's mother has long since passed and Armand is one of the few blood relatives that he has left.  This doesn't mean much to Nathan, however, as he has been very busy in life, especially after schooling, and prefers to keep as far away from the bothers of family as possible.   When the courier trekked across the desert to provide Nathan with an invitation to his uncle's manor in Deloth, well, that seemed incredibly strange to him.  He concluded that Uncle Armand must be sick and wished to gather family for his final goodbyes.  Armand hated relatives as much as Nathan did, but respected the standoffish nature of his nephew.  It was probably because Nathan never bothered to ask anyone, including his uncle, for money. 

The contents of the invitation were cryptic and certainly not the sort of thing you would expect a dying relative to say (unless he was delirious) so Nathan went and found himself with two other men in the parlor room of his Uncle's home.    Nathan would generally ignore the other two men and would generally be reading something that he picked up from his uncle's library. 

Note: Elves no longer reside in Deloth or anywhere. Consider them a world power like the ancient Egyptians.  Most of the civilized world was actually nothing but slaves or peasants to them and feared them greatly.  There was a terrible apocalyptic situation that literally called for the Elves to rescue most of the world, but they were never seen again.   Most of humanity has since rewritten history about the elves and very little of anything nice is ever said about them (for good reason if you examine history).  There are, however, half elves that exist today.  Most people don't really like them either and they're considered sub-human in most cases.   But they're all that's remains of the elven civilization.

Dwarves, which is important to Gehe's character, are kind of primative and tribalistic and mostly found in Spydaria which is covered in jungles and rain forests.  It's sort of like Africa in an actual Victorian setting. Deloth is trying to throw in colonies, but it's not going very well.  Dwarves have their own things going on, but not much is known about them what with the language barriers and cultural differences.  Plus...dwarves still crack a lot of heads in this setting as they do any other.  )

GM and Players Lounge / Re: Roll for shoes
Last post by kitkatman - June 23, 2017, 11:56:22 AM
i drop in and give it a go.

Name. John svenson

just let me know when to post.