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Games Looking for Players / Re: The Age of Steam - Tales f...
Last post by Locke Taelos - June 14, 2017, 03:00:05 PM
I'm actually surprised I got a response!  You certainly could have a character that has knowledge/works with trains.   I was hoping to have a little more interest before going further with this though.
Citizen Alpha Game Posts / Re: Chapter 1: Troubleshooters...
Last post by tyrion - June 13, 2017, 11:52:42 PM
"Okay" Sally huffed , before reaching other and squeezing T's cheek, "Oh I can't stay mad at you T, you're just too darn cute." winking and heading across to put her face in the reader T had indicated
Citizen Alpha Game Posts / Re: Chapter 1: Troubleshooters...
Last post by kitkatman - June 13, 2017, 08:22:00 PM
"tell you what open next too doors and then you can go back and see how is that" says t stepping to the side of the scanner and jesturing at the eye slot.
Citizen Alpha Game Posts / Re: Chapter 1: Troubleshooters...
Last post by tyrion - June 13, 2017, 12:37:29 AM
"Awwwwww Teeeeeeeeeee," moaned Sally, "That would make me unhappy. And your job is to keep me happy. If we can't explore through that door then you would have to find," sauntering up to T and softly saying in his ear, "Other ways..."
Citizen Alpha Game Posts / Re: Chapter 1: Troubleshooters...
Last post by kitkatman - June 12, 2017, 01:20:19 PM
looking from the door with the red bar on it to the other door "thats not the right door we should carry on to our destination and not deviate"
gently rubbing his eye.
GM and Players Lounge / Re: Roll for shoes
Last post by Greyguard - June 12, 2017, 08:48:26 AM
I've never played but it sounds pretty fun! I'd love to join up!
Happy to get started when your ready!

I read that anyone can join at anytime so lets get this going!
Citizen Alpha Game Posts / Re: Chapter 1: Troubleshooters...
Last post by tyrion - June 12, 2017, 02:40:03 AM
Sally licked her lips in a questioning manner. She wasn't quite sure. The smell. The taste. Simon? Stefan? Stephen? Ah that was it Stephen, the pharmacist, well trainee, from Section 217. Stolen chems and wanton passion. Sally walked up to the door wioth the big R on it, "Ere T what's in here d'ya reckon?"
Citizen Alpha Game Posts / Re: Chapter 1: Troubleshooters...
Last post by CrustyGeek - June 11, 2017, 05:55:13 PM
Sally can smell something acrid and a little bit salty. Terrence is too busy trying to ignore the blinding pain in his eye to notice much of anything.

You arrive at a bit of a junction - one door has a red stripe underneath the iris reader and the other has a big R on the door.
Citizen Alpha Game Posts / Re: Chapter 1: Troubleshooters...
Last post by tyrion - June 11, 2017, 12:09:10 PM
"Bah. I think this one is broke" said Sally slapping the reader, "You worry too much T, Friend Computer will aid us if we run in to problems"
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20-3 : 13 - 3, total 10[/blockquote]
Citizen Alpha Game Posts / Re: Chapter 1: Troubleshooters...
Last post by kitkatman - June 11, 2017, 11:30:48 AM
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 16, total 16[/blockquote]

"yes but depth perception may be difficult" forcing a smile through the pain.